Weekly Goals Update – 8 January 2012

Hello!!! Hope everyone’s had a great weekend and everyone’s winding down now in preparation for the week ahead. I thought it might be fun to do a small update of the past week, in regard to the goals I have set for myself this year. So here goes!!

  1. Woke up at 6:00 AM on 5 days out of 7
  2. Worked out for 45 minutes 5 days out of 7
  3. Made a focused attempt to pray on time everyday (was successful most of the time)
  4. Made a blog schedule and stuck to it so far
  5. Spent time with Cub browsing for fun stuff on the internet
  6. Purged through Cub’s toys and sacked up the stuff he doesn’t use
  7. Read a book (will review it soon)
  1. Got mad at Cub and yelled at him twice
  2. Nagged the hubs twice (Nagging level 3 and 5)
  3. Computer and TV were on till 10:00 – 10:30
  4. Overate for dinner most of the week
 Now I know what to work upon for next week!! Bye for now!!

Image source: sodahead