Weekly Goals Update – 29 January 2012

This week was kind of average, with some annoying negatives I can’t get rid of.

1. Woke up at the same time everyday (except Sunday)
2. Went to bed at the same time 5 days out of 7
3. Worked out for 45 minutes on 5 days
4. Controlled over eating on weekend
5. Didn’t nag the hubs at all
6. Increased my protein and vegetable intake; continued with 2-3 servings of fruit/day
7. Disinfected entire kitchen

1. Yelled at Cub when he upturned the entire pile of clothes I had spent nearly an hour ironing
2. Can’t manage to control carbs portions, especially dinner
3. Watched too much TV (And not the news)
4. Hardly read the newspaper :-(
5. Irregular in my prayers

I’ve decided to make my book-reading goal a fortnightly thing, otherwise it’s putting too much pressure on me. Reading is supposed to be enjoyable, not a chore!!

Monthly Review – Jan:

I’ve definitely been nagging and yelling less than before; and I’ve tried to keep my workouts regular, also increased my weights. I read two books, more or less stuck to my blog schedule and did some cleaning/purging/decluttering. I also had my vitamins, fruit/veg servings and 8 glasses of water pretty consistently.

My biggest problem – controlling food intake, especially carbs and dinner. Catching up with the news has not been good and my prayers are sort of on and off. I haven’t really spent much quality time with Cub either.

Anyway, all in all, not a bad start!! Right??! :-)