My First Blog Award Ever!

I got my very first ever blog award!!! I received ‘The Happy Blogger Award’ from the really sweet Opal of ‘Girl with a Pearl Earring’!! Thank you so much Opal!!!! I truly am a very happy blogger :-)))). Those of you who know Opal also know that she’s crazy about earrings in all shapes, colors and sizes (which makes her blog a must read for a fellow earring lover like me!). She’s also quite passionate about shopping in general, and would be my ideal shopping buddy!
Those of you who are not familiar with her should check out her site ‘Girl with a Pearl Earring’ pronto!

I’m now supposed to pass on this award to 10 other awesome bloggers. (Did I just call myself ‘awesome’?) Here they are:

  1. Polka Princess of Chappals vs Stilettos
  2. Sonu and Jasleen at Fashion Bombay
  3. Bhushavali of Fashion Panache
  4. Lipsy of Fashion Quotient
  5. Shreya of For the Love of Fashion and Other Things 
  6. Haute Muslimah of Haute Muslimah 
  7. Holly and Sally of Hippie by Heart. Thinks Fashion is Art 
  8. Jahn of Jahn n Style 
  9. Tanvi of The Fabulous Life of Not-so-Rich and Infamous
  10. Queen Sadiyya of Tales of a Muslim Fashionista
 Wow, that was tough!! It’s almost as bad as giving a speech at the Oscars!! (Just kidding, of course I wouldn’t know how hard that is ;-P). I just picked the blogs that inspire me the most, though there are quite a few more out there.

That's all for now. Hope everyone’s week is off to a great start!! See you later!

Image Source: Crystalcomments