Weekly Goals Update – 14 October 2012

Considering the previous week’s disaster, this week was a trifle better.

1. Played badminton on the days of the weekend. Didn’t work out through the week, but I did do some deep cleaning which should count. C’mon, it should.

2. Stayed away from sweets and similar guilty pleasures. Thus, no pleasure and no guilt.

3. My prayers were about 90% regular, and I’m really proud of myself.

4. Deep cleaned the kitchen, which was not easy.

5. Spent a lot of time building Lego models with the Cub.

6. Started reading ‘Eat That Frog’ by Brian Tracy. Sounds gross, but it’s an amazing, amazing book.

7. Didn’t nag the hubs much. Maybe the fact that he was away on an official trip from Wednesday to Saturday had something to do with it :-).

1. Remember that mountain of ironing I talked about here? It’s still there, only bigger.

2. I haven’t read the paper the entire week, I feel so….illiterate.

3. I’ve stayed away from the sweet stuff, but over ate at my other meals.

 So, that’s how it’s rolling here. Nothing eventful, but the coming weeks are going to be busy, with shopping, birthdays, festivals and the like. So looking forward to some good fun!