Weekly Goals Update – 23 September 2012

Well, well, well. Now when was the last time we saw a post titled like that?? No, don’t answer that, I don’t want to know. What I do know is that it has definitely been long enough to make me forget what my resolutions were at the start of the year. Yeah, that bad.

I’ll admit I am ashamed of myself, but I don’t want to feel so low that I just sink into the depths of despair and give up. So I decided to get back on track.

First, I had to do the obvious, going back to my January posts and re-reading my goals. (That’s one of the best parts of having a blog, you have written records of pretty much everything in your life :-)) Well, unknown to myself, I have kept on track with a few of those goals, while the ones that require conscious action have been, well, ignored. So let’s see how I stand with respect to everything right now:

1. Quality time with Cub – Quality time is going well, though book reading has been low this month.

2. Less Nagging – This I’m very proud of. I just automatically cut down nagging and sweating the small stuff. Can’t imagine how it happened. Wonder if the hubby’s putting something in my coffee.

3. Regular Prayers – More regular and more focused too, although there’s still room for improvement.

4. More books – This year, I’ve read about twice the books I read last year. Though initially I had to push myself, now I just pick up and read – no pushing required!

1. Organized blog posting – I was kind of at the height of posting in August, due to the Ramadan Challenge. But then I began to lose focus.

2. Current Affairs – Well, I do read the paper more, but still not that into news channels.

3. Adventurous style – The InFB remixes are something I look forward to, and I’ve got rid of all my boring clothes, but there’s still not been as much change as I’d like.

1. Cleaner House – Hmm. I don’t know why, but nowadays, just thinking of cleaning tires me out. As a result, I’m now looking at blurry windows, dusty fans and crumb ridden rugs.

2. Fitness – This has been terrible. My workouts are really irregular and I think my bad time management skills have a part to play. In spite of this, I have (somewhat) learned to control my portions and am about 4.5 kg lighter than I was at the start of the year :-).

And that’s how it’s been, friends. This week is going to be really busy for me since it’s Cub’s birthday week :-). The little guy turns four and we’re planning a kiddie party for his friends in the evening and a dinner party for the extended family later. I thought about going for a theme, but he’s kind of in between trains and trucks, so I decided to go with a general ‘Birthday’ theme :-).

How has it been for you guys so far?? Resolutions still going good, or are you planning an overhaul?? Do let me know!!