Half Yearly Goal Update

It’s been 6 months into 2012!!! Can you believe it??? It’s actually been 6 months since we wished everyone a Happy New Year and made our resolutions and moved on from winter through spring and summer onto the monsoons. Wow, that sure was fast!!

Anyways, this seems to be a good time to take out all my 2012 resolutions and give them a thorough once-over. I know I have been posting weekly updates on them, but now I’d like to have a good look at what I have actually accomplished.

Here are my updates in the order of Good, Average and Bad.

1. Quality time with Cub: I have consciously made an effort to spend more time with Cub. I read to him everyday at nap time and we make crafts almost weekly. He’s also got some new activity books and we’ve started on them.

2. Fitness: Ok, here is one area where I’m proud of myself. I’ve lost 3 kg since the start of the year and I exercise at least 3 times a week, sometimes more. Barring my knee pain episode, I’ve been regular. Yay!! I’m planning on losing two more kg by the year end :-).

3. Regular Praying: Another area that has seen good improvement. I’ve been a lot more conscious about my prayers and quite regular too. I’m glad I made it a resolution.

4. Reading: I thought initially that this would take some effort, but surprisingly now I just automatically want to read, without thinking about keeping up a resolution. I’ve averaged about 2 books a month so far. Good!

1. Cleaner Home: My home has been neater and definitely more organized, though not exactly clean. I’ve got loads of baskets and containers for toys, toiletries, craft stuff etc. There’s much less clutter now :-).

2. Regular Blogging: My blog posting has been OK, not exactly good, but better than last year. At least I set my schedule and have been quite consistent.

3. Adventurous styling: I was aiming for two outfit posts per month, but managed only one a month. However, I have been trying out new stuff, and without breaking the bank. This year has seen me be really, really controlled at shopping and I even had a successful shopping ban period!!

1. Nagging: I just can’t seem to stop nagging. I simply CAN’T. I think it’s ingrained in my DNA or something. Or maybe it’s something you automatically get the minute you become a Mrs. I don’t know, anyway, I’m hardly making any progress here.

2. Healthy Eating: Well, this is kind of a mixed bag. I’ve become an avid fruit and wholegrain eater. But controlling portions still remains a challenge. Especially on weekends. Also my water intake needs to be improved.

3. News watching/reading: Ok, this has not gone as planned at all. This is really embarrassing to admit, but I pick up the newspaper about once a week, on Sundays. I watch the news only if someone else is already watching. The one good thing I did was ‘Like’ Ibnlive on Facebook, so I get updates and links to the trending news stories.

Others: I really wanted to do a lot of DIY stuff, but haven’t been able to make time for it. Also, my baking skills have improved, what with baking my own bread and stuff!! Also, better time management and ‘looking at the big picture’ are on the cards for the rest of the year :-).

Ok, so I have improved some and let myself down a little too, but hey, I’m not stressing about it!! I think I’ve done well for myself so far and am confident I can do better!! I’m really glad I decided to put up weekly updates, it has really helped to keep my path in focus.

How about you guys?? Are you planning on doing half yearly resolution updates too??