Beginning of New Video Game Generation

                                                     PS4 VS Xbox One

As the new Era of Generation of Video Games begin. Sony and Microsoft once again started to compete. All gamers have eyes on the Video Consoles --- PS4 and Xbox One.
      But the question is
‘’Which one is the Best?’’
To get the answer of this question gamers have to wait till November as PS4 will be available from November 15 in the US and November 29 in the US. Still, we don’t know when the Xbox One will be arriving in shops beyond November, but it seems probably that’ll it’ll be earlier on in the month.

                                 Xbox One                                                                 PS4
Both Microsoft and Sony have confirmed their ‘launch’ line-ups, though both manufacturers are staggering titles. Both consoles will launch with 23 titles, with the PS4 lineup expanded to 33 between the November 15 launch date and December 31 and the Xbox One adding an additional six before March 2014.
There’s not a lot of difference between the two rosters, with most major games-studios hedging their bets and releasing on both systems. This includes titles such as Assassin’s Creed IV, Battlefield 4, Call of Duty: Ghosts and Watch Dogs.
PS4 launch exclusives include DC Universe Online, Killzone: Shadow Fall, DriveClub, Knack and infamous 2. Alternatively, the Xbox One offers Dead Rising 3, Ryse: Son of Rome, Killer Instinct and Titanfall. It doesn't seem that many of these titles will make a difference for customers not already decided on their console of choice, though inFamous 2 Titanfall - one of the most consistently hyped games for the next-generation - will definitely turn some heads.

Microsoft’s offering will focus around the ‘Metro’ style tile-interface seen with Windows 8, dividing content into ‘Games’, ‘Movies & TV’, ‘Music’ and ‘Apps’. Reports from the event have suggested that Microsoft are playing voice commands for the Kinect quite heavily, with the ability to command your console to record video and snapshots, or switch between different games.

Till now maybe you have decided which console you are purchasing is but it’s not over!

Comparison of PS4 and Xbox One, so you can decide what your choice is, only in one look.