Journal Your Ramadan – Days 28 – 30

There have been only 29 days this Ramadan, but why should that stop us from Journalling? :-)

Day 28 – Best Memory so far

My best memory this Ramadan has been an iftar with my parents, siblings, hubby and Cub. My Mom cooked all the food, and it was a lovely evening.

Day 29 – Henna/Art

As anyone who has tried it will testify, it isn’t that easy to do henna on your own hand :-).

Day 30 – Eid Preparation

This is the first time I’ve made a bunting. I’ve wanted to do one for so long after seeing it on so many blogs/pinterest. This one actually exceeded my expectations :-).

And so ends 30(or err..29) days of journaling!!! This has been a fun journey and I really enjoyed thinking up stuff for the various prompts :-). A huge Thank You to Neelu of Creating Memories for organizing this event! See you guys after Eid!!