Journal Your Ramadan - Days 13 & 14

Day 13 – Mother

This pic of my Mom and me was taken when I was about five, I guess. Of course, this picture has nothing to do with Ramadan, but when I saw this prompt in the list, I just felt like looking at some old photos. So my sister and I dug out the dusty old albums, and my Mom joined us. It was fun going through those old discolored snaps together, and I picked this one for the blog :-).

As far as Ramadan is concerned, my Mom is my signal for beginning Ramadan preparations. She’s the one who reminds me that it’s time to go Ramadan shopping; sends me a big load of frozen samosas, cutlets, spring rolls and the like; even checks on what I’m wearing for Eid (and I’m 30 :-)).

Day 14 – A for …


Love these little gems. I put them in my muesli for Suhoor, and it lasts me wonderfully through the day. Blend them with some dates, milk and honey and I have a healthy, yummy drink to break my fast with. These are really a perfect food for fasting days.

Here is a pic I clicked when I woke up for Suhoor (about 4:35 AM). The moon was full and bright, and light was flooding into our bedroom. It was really magical and I couldn’t help but capture the moment.