Weekly Goals Update – 6 May 2012

A new month!! Last week saw my 100th blog post and my 9th wedding anniversary. It was also a good week with regards to my goals. Lets see how I did :-).

1. Woke up at 5:30 on 4 days and before 6:30 on others.
2. Worked out for 30 minutes on 4 days and 45 minutes on the fifth.
3. Controlled my diet most of the time, especially when I was at the in-laws, which is not an easy task :-)
4. Started reading a book – ‘The Mummy Coach’ by Lorraine Thomas.
5. Made a craft with Cub – a little train made with little cardboard boxes.

A close up of its tiny passengers:

1. Dinner was late about half the week.
2. Fruit intake was a little low
3. Prayers were better, but still not completely regular

Gotta prepone my dinner and include more fruits. Hope this week has started off great for everyone!!