Weekly Goals Update – 13 May 2012

Happy Mother’s Day to all mothers out there!!! I think we’ll all agree that it’s the most important job we’ll ever have :-). Cheers to us and to our lovely Moms who are such great examples for us!!!

It rained this morning and was quite pleasant after that. I had a nice day shopping at the mall with Mr. Tiger and the Cub. Not a bad way to spend such a special day!! Oh, did I mention my spending freeze is over now that it’s my birthday month??

1. Controlled portions most of the time, especially at dinner.
2. Weighed myself every day except one.
3. Had sufficient servings of fruit.
4. Kept downing lots n lots of water.
5. Read a book – “The Devotion of Suspect X” by Keigo Higashino
6. Was good and regular with my prayers.
7. Made a craft with Cub – a two level car garage with ramp:

The top level, complete with city backdrop:

And the bottom level:

I got the idea for this craft from here. It’s really easy – just need an empty cereal box and some toilet paper rolls.

1. Worked out only 3 days this past week.
2. Was a bit of a nag this week, with the Mister being the main victim :-(
3. Not very up to date with the news.
4. Didn’t read to Cub at all.
5. Been a very irregular blogger

Not a bad week, eh?? This month is very special to me; my blog completed a 100 posts, my Facebook page crossed 100 fans, my anniversary, Mother’s day, my cousin’s wedding coming up and of course my birthday!! Whew!! Tell me, do you guys have anything special planned this month?

Image Courtesy: Garfield.nfshost