Weekly Goals Update – 19 February 2012

This week was average, though better than last week.

1. Worked out 3 days for 45 minutes and had a brisk walk on the fourth day.
2. Prayers were regular
3. Started reading a book – ‘The Average Indian Male’ by Cyrus Broacha
4. Had 2 servings of fruit everyday.
5. Upped my water intake

1. Behind on my blog schedule
2. Household cleaning was also behind schedule
3. And as always – overeating at dinner

The scale is simply not budging. I even got my thyroid levels checked, thinking something was wrong. It has got to be my diet, specially dinner. Can’t help it, I just settle down at the end of the day and get to eating. Also brek and dinner are the only meals where all of us are present, and dinner is the comparatively relaxed meal. Sigh!!