Link List - November

November was predominantly a month of Thanksgiving, with bloggers thinking back upon the year and upon their lives and listing all that they were thankful for. Thanksgiving also meant a lot of Turkey related recipes :-). However, here are some awesome links from November that don’t really have much to do with Thanksgiving ;-).

Like I said, November was all about Thanksgiving, but don’t forget that October was about Halloween. Ashley at Make it and Love it gives you a virtual parade of some really cool costumes!

Got a treadmill but bored to tears just thinking of it? Tina of carrots n’ cake has some solutions for kicking treadmill boredom in the butt.

If you’re having trouble choosing shoes for skirts or dresses, fret not. Imogen of Inside Out Style is here to help.

Here is a lovely tutorial from Divya of Jewels of Sayuri on converting an old spoon into pretty jewelry.

Denise at Woman’s Day has a list of things that every woman should find time for.

Everyone knows that maintaining consistency in your workouts is the tough part. Jamie from DailySpark shares some tips.

Are you among those who think that being visually impaired can stand in the way of becoming stylish? The inspiring Michelle of Eyeronic doesn’t think so. By the way, love her blog name – awesome, just like her.

The gifting season is here and Aubree of The Yellow Blackbird has some cute and frugal gift wrapping ideas.

Don’t believe everything you see, all the time. Especially concerning celebrity looks.

Shaheen of The Purple Foodie takes you on a virtual tour of a foodie’s paradise. Read this and tell me you aren’t dying to go to Brussels :-).

Twilight and porn. Shocked? Well, that is what Kent Woodyard thinks at The Relevant Magazine.

I know you’re probably going crazy shopping this festive season. But before you set out, do read this wardrobe organizing post by Sal at Already Pretty.

Finally, the coolest cat in town is here. And it ain’t over easy :-)))).

Bad kitty, eh?? Bet it’s a really coooool movie!!!!

So, we’re heading towards the final month of 2011. Exciting!!! Hope you guys enjoyed all the links; do let me know what you think of them!! :-)