Candid Camera!

I know I’ve been a bad girl, slacking in my posts, but I’ve been quite busy what with Ramadan, and visiting and stuff. So today I thought, “Cub’s having a nap, I’ll sit down in front of my keyboard and just blog away to glory!!”. Alas, my help turned up with an injured hand, so now I’ll have to go do the chores as well :-(.Oh noooo!!!!!

Anyway, I thought I’d post some funny photos I’ve had with me for a while. Some have been taken by me, the rest contributed by my brother and his friend. Not sure where they got it from, though :-). Good for a laugh!!

1. Did it actually land there?

I’ll begin with a photo taken by yours truly. I honestly don’t know what the house owners were thinking when they built a plane on top of their house. Seriously, a plane?? 

2. Gentlemen first

Self explanatory :-)

3. Made by a Zero-x

It certainly was no 'hero' who made the sign!

4. Who says I’m heavy?

Again, self explanatory.

5. Chemistry graduate

Someone seriously paid attention in chemistry class :-)

6. Famous Brand I

This one’s quite good. People could actually be fooled at first glance.

7. Famous Brand II

This one’s not that good, but worth a mention anyway :-)

8. Born Less?

Honestly, couldn’t they ask someone before putting that up?

Hope everyone enjoyed this little candid camera action!! Ciao till next time!!