How to change your facebook username after crossing limits

How to change your facebook username after crossing limits

This is the new trick discovered by me(PureHeart

All of us know tha we want to make our facebook account famous.
In this favour we set different stylish names and especially usernames.
But we forget that facebook has a policy to change our name only 5 times and username 2 times.
So if you set you username in error and want to change it.
Do not worry just follow my trick and your username will be changed.
So to perform this trick we need :-)
1) A small Page which has 25 likes
2) A little bit common sence.
First of all go to (copy this )
Then open new tab and open you facebook page
Then go to Edit Page > update info > create a web adress.
Now the main trick starts.
Just enter you facebook id username
Example your facebook username is Prince.Jasveer and you want to change it.
Now enter Prince.Jasveer in you page web adress.
Then click check avilability.
And click. 
Transfer username.

Thats it.
Now go to you Facebook profile or account setting
In profile you will see Create username.

And in setting
Go to account setting > General > Username
Or click (copy it )

You see there that ,
You have not set a username.
Click it..
Enter you new username and done.
Thats it you username will be changed.
If you like this trick please comment if not tell me.